Meet Danny Jendusa: WUMCRC’s Newest Community Development Intern

Danny Jendusa, one of Washington University Medical Center Redevelopment Corporation’s newest community development interns, is currently working on his Master’s degree in Urban Planning and Development at Saint Louis University. Danny is on pace to complete his Master’s degree from SLU in the fall of 2016. Originally from St. Louis, Danny completed his undergraduate degree at Saint Louis University.

As the Community Development Intern, Danny’s responsibilities include updating various databases, including the FPSE Real estate database and the Residential Sale in FPSE database, contributing work to the mid-year report and the yearly review for WUMCRC, and working closely with the Safe Block Program. Danny also assists with numerous other duties, such as special events and the Holiday Outreach program.

When Danny isn’t working to better the community, he enjoys running and biking. Danny also recently became a Block Captain for the 4500 block of Swan.


WUMCRC: “What are some advantages to working in FPSE?”

Danny: “The people are great in both the organization, [WUMCRC], and the community. It’s an exciting place to get to work in community development in St. Louis.

WUMCRC: “What do you enjoy most about living in St. Louis?”

Danny: “There are a lot of people here that are genuinely interested in building a better St. Louis, and it’s important to me to get to be a part of a community like that. There is more opportunity to make an impact in St. Louis- opportunity that you don’t have in many other cities.”

WUMCRC: “If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?”

Danny: “I’d like the ability to go back in time, to be like the great Biff Tannen in Back to the Future.”


Previous Meet Dalton Davidson: WUMCRC’s Newest Safety and Security Intern

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